Conservative Organizations

Elected/Republican Officials
- Pat Fallon - Congressman, TX 4th District
- Beth Van Duyne - Congresswoman, TX 24th District
- Mayes Middleton - Texas State Senator, District 11
- Mitch Little - Republican Candidate for Texas House, District 65
- Susan Fletcher - Collin County Commissioner, Pct 1
- Darrell Hale - Collin County Commissioner, Pct 3
- Anthony Ricciardelli - Plano City Council, Place 2
- Rick Smith - Plano City Council, Place 8
- Brian Livingston - Frisco City Council, Place 6
- Gino Mulliqi - Wylie City Council, Place 6
- Dave Shafer - Allen City Council, Place 5
- Tony Singh - Little Elm Town Council, District 2
- Mike Gould - Collin County District Clerk
- Cathie Alexander - Collin Community College, Place 3
- Bob Collins - Collin Community College, Place 38
- Jim Pikl - State Republican Executive Committee, SD 8
- Hayden Padgett - Chairman, National Young Republicans
- Derrick Wilson - Chairman, Texas Young Republicans
- Maria Garcia - Hispanic Republican Club of North Texas
- Corbett Howard - Former Mayor of Celina
- Susan Shuler - Former Wylie ISD Board of Trustees
- Ray Huffines
- Sara Gonzales
- Shon Celik
- Ram Mehta
- Gary Cary
- Ellen Leyrer
- Sheila Patterson
- Bob Britton
- Dianna Biscan
- Gail Seiler
- Deepen Patel
- Julie Rose-Boelsterli
- Bill Lisle
- Dave Stoner
- Doug Shockey
- Tom Bartel
- Kathy Bartel
- Lisa Smith
- Jaci Crawford
- Desiree Brown
- Ethelind McAloon
- Carmen Bradley
- Sharon L Borgne
- Michelle Ferrer
- James Ferrer
- Frank DeSimone
- Debbie Bonenberger
- Mike Bronsky
- Judi Neal
- Jim Kerr
- Chris Kerr
- Keith Magee
- Yuri Golubchik
- Carmen Bradly
- Amy Kallas
- Scott Goebel
- Stephanie Casson
- Michael Watson
- Ravi Jain
- Charlotte Pickett
Precinct Chairs
- Sue Reeves - Precinct 179
- Brian Fletcher - Precinct 134
- Juan Martinez - Precinct 154
- Sebrena Kimberly - Precinct 156
- Bob Collins - Precinct 189
- Srini Raghavan - Precinct 222
- Dixie Jeffers - Precinct 193
- Deanna Kuykendall - Precinct 203
- Byron Henry - Precinct 214
- Ken Cook - Precinct 219
- Frank Deutschmann - Precinct 139
- John Paulson - Precinct 47
- Suresh Kumar - Precinct 234
- Marisa Williams - Precinct 149
- Stephen Gellman - Precinct 246
- Catherine Gibb - Precinct 61
- Marilyn Sevin - Precinct 121
- Pat Greer - Precinct 67
- Justin Adcock - Precinct 81
- Troy Patterson - Precinct 70
- Stephen Kallas - Precinct 102
- David Kemp - Precinct 109
- Timothy Bates - Precinct 112
- Mark Myers - Precinct 116
- Vicki Myers - Precinct 108
- David Lethe - Precinct 119
- Muniraj Janagarajan - Precinct 87
- Joan Konkel - Precinct 158
- Cindy Meyer - Precinct 60
- John Stufflebeam - Precinct 20
- Lailani Rumfield - Precinct 207
- Wendy Mattingly - Precinct 37
- Anu Saraf - Precinct 25
- Jordan Hulcy - Precinct 57
- Sharon Duncan - Precinct 131
- Sandy Davis - Precinct 226
- Kylee Kelly - Precinct 162
- Lori Kreitman - Precinct 89
- Mike Giles - Precinct 236
- Delores Miles - Precinct 129
- Sandra Halsey - Precinct 32
- Dave Chapman - Precinct 78
- Dalayr Hight - Precinct 6
- Tellie Walling - Precinct 72
- John Sullivan - Precinct 31
- Michael Padilla - Precinct 166
- Shelby Johnston - Precinct 176
- Elizabeth Knapp - Precinct 17
- Joseph Boduch - Precinct 220
- Stephani Reazor - Precinct 29
- Jeremiah Hammer - Precinct 1
- Troy Roberson - Precinct 238
- Angie Scott - Precinct 223
- Frank DeSimone - Precinct 76 (incoming)
- Ramesh Sirigireddy - Precinct 180 (incoming)
"I'm proud to endorse Shelby Williams for Collin County Republican Party Chair. His consistent dedication to conservative principles and proven leadership embody the values we need to lead our party forward." --Beth Van Duyne, Congresswoman, TX 24th District
"Shelby Williams is a proven conservative leader with strong character, courage, and commitment. Shelby personifies our values and he’ll continue to help keep Texas Texas!!" --Pat Fallon, Congressman, TX 4th District
"I have known Shelby Williams since before he first ran for office for the Plano City Council. I remember how hard he worked as a candidate to get elected and re-elected. I know that he has first-hand knowledge of the stakes of getting Republican's elected to office and the difference that it can make on your taxes, government policies, and your freedoms. He is the right person to elect for Republican County Chair as he knows how critical it is to win elections for Republicans. I wholeheartedly endorse Shelby for election and I hope that you vote for him like I will." --Darrell Hale, Collin County Commissioner, Pct 3
"We NEED Shelby! Shelby has shown that he is a man of integrity and conviction. He is firm in his stance while being most kind to those who disagree. He always answers calls and emails, and will work to solidify the splinter groups within the county rather than cause a greater divide. Let his solid leadership and calm bring positive changes to our county Republicans!" --Lynn & Jim McCoy
"I have heard Shelby speak on several issues in Plano such as the DART system and short-term rentals. Shelby is extremely well-spoken and on fire for issues in our county. He has sought out solutions to problems others have ignored. He will be a phenomenal Chair." --Charlotte Pickett
"I'm going to be voting for Shelby Williams for Collin County GOP Chairman. It's not just that I love this plan. It's also because as a City Councilman Shelby consistently was transparent. Not only was he transparent but he would inform about the agenda ahead of time to make sure people were in the loop and then would do a video RECAP afterwards! When have you ever had that kind of "service" from a "public servant"? That is doing the "public servant" role correctly. Versus a Politician. Shelby Williams has always known his place and that is working FOR us... SERVING US.. Collin County Republicans.. Please join me in voting for him." --Gail Seiler
"Shelby's vision and commitment to our shared values make him the right person to lead our party in Collin County!" --Frank DeSimone
"After hearing all the candidates, Shelby would appear as the best candidate for Collin County Republican Party Chair. He has a well-articulated plan and vision for the party, a message of unity, and the skills and experience to bring it to fruition." --Ethelind McAloon
"I have known Shelby since he ran for city council. He did what he said he would do. He was an advocate for revising the Plano Tomorrow Plan. He supported The Comprehensive Plan Review Committee and the resulting New Plano Comprehensive Plan. He has voted against developments not in compliance with the plan. Unfortunately, he has been in the minority on many of the developments. He is a leader with innovative ideas to advance the Collin GOP." --Jaci Crawford
"You will be the very best GOP Collin County Chair. Thanks for all you do for our community." --Sharon L Borgne
"I highly endorse Shelby Williams who I have worked with as a volunteer to make things better for others. He has shown through his experience and success to make a difference. We need as a proven leader, advisor, unitor, promoter, and implementer. Shelby does what he says he's going to do. Fortunately… and with some sweat equity, I have been appointed to 3 boards by the Plano City Council. FSS, Plano Parks and Rec, and Library board. I do not represent any of these entities in my endorsement, simply to say I am and have been on these boards, the City of Plano has entrusted me three times to help in an advisory position and to be an advocate. I have experience working with and for Shelby Williams. He's a fighter for the best we possibly can be… and gets results. Shelby Williams is the person we need for GOP Chairman for Collin County." --Scott Goebel