Population Density and Urbanization

Population Density & Urbanization

Plano already has the 2nd highest population density of any city in Texas with a population of more than 250,000. You can feel it in the worsening traffic, and greater density means greater strain on city services. This came to a head with the contention over the Plano Tomorrow Plan–the comprehensive plan which was tied up in a lawsuit with Plano citizens for nearly five years until after I was elected, when I and the rest of council voted to act on the original citizen referendum petition submitted five years earlier, and repealed the Plano Tomorrow Plan.

Before that, however, shortly after I was elected, I pushed for a new comprehensive plan, and at the suggestion of the City Manager, we created a new sixteen-member citizen Comprehensive Plan Review Committee (CPRC) to ensure the new plan is truly reflective of the will of the people of Plano. After a significant effort, the CPRC, the Planning and Zoning Commission, and City Council unanimously passed the new comprehensive plan with no citizen objection.

We want Plano to continue to be a beacon to people all around the world, and I am working diligently to ensure the growth we do have is measured and carefully managed to ensure that whether you’ve been in Plano all your life, or are new to the Plano family, the attractiveness of our community and the quality of life that you came for to begin with are preserved and enhanced. We need to create the future version of the Plano we all fell in love with originally.

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