Plano City Council Preview

Plano City Council Preview – December 14, 2020

  • 12-13-2020
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Regular viewers of my council video recaps will notice that there is no further item on Monday’s agenda regarding the update to the City’s Code of Conduct passed last Tuesday regarding Campaign Contribution Recusal.

You can sign up online to speak at council meetings in person or via Zoom online at this link up to 15 minutes before the scheduled meeting, which is typically at the 7:00 Regular Meeting. You may alternatively share your thoughts by emailing the council members any time at our email addresses here, or by 4:00 PM the day of the meeting at The council meeting will be livestreamed on and on the City of Plano Facebook page.


Executive Session (starts at 5:00 PM)

(Review agenda here)

  • Litigation: Constance Swanston and Women’s Elevated Sober Living vs. City of Plano


Preliminary Open Meeting

(Whenever Executive Session, which starts at 5:00 PM, ends)


Regular Meeting (starts at 7:00 PM)

Note: I’m moving the Consent Agenda to the bottom to put the meat first

(Review agenda here)

Comments of Public Interest: every meeting, anyone can speak about anything for up to three minutes, with 30 total minutes allotted for this segment.


Items for Individual Consideration

  • Item (1): $1,828,120 for the land on the north side of 15th Street between M Avenue and N Avenue
  • Item (2): $9,395,607 for the revamping of the Oak Point Recreation Center outdoor pool, for which funding was approved in the 2017 bond referendum election
  • Item (3): Adoption of Youth Program Standards of Care in order to qualify as a Day Care under state statute, without having to apply for licensing, under the provisions for Municipal Recreation Programs
  • Item (4): Swap out the SUP (Specific Use Permit) for a Day Care at the Southwest Corner of Independence and Ridgeview Drive for an SUP for a Private School
  • Item (5): rezone the current site of Plano Market Square Mall, on the northeast side of Spring Creek Parkway (proposed to be renamed “Parkest Rd.”) and K Avenue for redevelopment. The redevelopment project is intended to be a moderate-density Mixed Use development with 325 multifamily units (some of which will be townhomes, but categories as multifamily because they will be rentals), 177,700 sq.ft. of office, and 16,500 sq.ft. for retail/restaurant
  • Item (6): Second public hearing on the proposed bond bond referendum on May 1, 2021 (project list and descriptions here)
  • Item (7): Public hearing and review of the Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (how we spent HUD funds over the last year)


Notable Consent Agenda Items

Total of $27,795,857 of your money in proposed expenses, plus an additional $110,366,241 if you live in the Collin Creek PIDs

  • Item (b): $256,500 over six years for Emergency and Mass Notification System
  • Item (d): $1,900,327 for Paving, Drainage, and Water Improvements at Wood Park 1 and Dallas North Estates (which isn’t actually in Dallas)
  • Item (f): $691,115 for Data Center hardware and software refresh to increase network capacity
  • Item (g): $3,249,001 over five years for Nutanix hardware and software for hyper-converged server refresh
  • Item (i): $310,000 for PeopleSoft professional services for HR system improvements
  • Item (j): $1,999,616 for Stop Loss insurance to protect against massive healthcare claims
  • Item (k): $140,000 over two years to the Dallas Morning News for legally-required advertising notices (why this is any longer necessary in the Digital Age is beyond me; this would require a change to the city charter, and possibly also state statute)
  • Item (m): $419,500 for sewer improvements for the Plano Parkway Parallel Interceptor (runs just north of George Bush)
  • Item (n): $3,471,261 over five years for Motorola Public Safety Radio System
  • Item (o): $1,000,110 economic incentive grant to Peloton, Inc., contingent on office space occupation and employment requirements
  • Item (p): $971,500 for public improvements related to the development site of the old First Baptist Church, approved October 14, 2019
  • Item (q): $123,366,241, in up to $172,000,000 in PID bonds for the Collin Creek public improvements and parking garages
  • Item (u): hire Julianne Pak as Assistant City Attorney III at an annual compensation (including benefits) value of $108,446
  • Item (v): to suspend the January 23, 2021 effective date of CoServ’s requested gas rate increase to allow the City time to study the request and to establish reasonable rates
  • Item (x): (I feel like we need an agenda item for item (x) one day to approve an interlocal agreement with a university to provide consulting services by a professor, so we can call the agreement Professor X) to move a bunch of money around to fund a complete hyper-converged server hardware refresh for city-wide enterprise and public safety systems (think modernized IT architecture). This will entail moving $1,749,001 from the Technology Fund (Fund 062) Unappropriated fund balance to the Technology Fund Operating Appropriation and $1,500,000 from the Technology Services Fund (Fund 066) balance to the Technology Fund (Fund 062) for fiscal year 2020-21


Review City Council agendas and minutes here.