Plano City Council Preview

Plano City Council Preview – January 13, 2020

  • 01-12-2020
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In the first Plano City Council meeting of the new year, among other things, we will confirm and welcome Plano’s new Chief of Police, Ed Drain!

Executive Session

  • Real Estate – Downtown Plano

Preliminary Open Meeting

  • Introduction of Ethics Investigators – Richard Abernathy and Peter Smith
  • Departmental Reports for both Library and Parks & Recreation
Regular Meeting Recognition:
  • Rob Johnson is retiring from his 22 year position as Sparky the Fire Dog
  • Plano Police Department, Public Safety Communications and former Chief Greg Rushin will receive awards from CALEA
  • Collin Central Appraisal District Board – Michael Pirek

Items for Consideration:

  • Confirmation of Chief Ed Drain as the new Plano Chief of Police (welcome home, Chief Drain!)
  • Modify the zoning at the northwest side of 14th Street and Los Rios to allow for greater retail square footage and increase the height restriction for retirement housing to a maximum of 3 stories
  • A Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a fitness center on the southeast side of Plano Parkway and Campbell Rd.
  • Levy a special assessment of 15 cents per $100 of appraised value for the Downtown Plano PID (Public Improvement District – these levy additional taxes on the property owners in that specific area, as they are the principle beneficiaries of improvements in that area)
  • The designation of the area around Collin Creek Mall as a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ – sets aside 75% of property taxes collected in the zone to pay for public improvements in the zone, such as road improvements, infrastructure, and economic development)
  • Establishment of the Collin Creek East PID
  • Extending the Oncor Electric franchise agreement in Plano