Plano City Council Preview

Plano City Council Preview – February 8, 2021

  • 02-08-2021
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See what made the final cut in the $364 million Plano Bond Election here. See more details in Item 10 of Monday’s meeting, below.

You can sign up online to speak at council meetings in person or via Zoom online at this link up to 15 minutes before the scheduled meeting, which is typically at the 7:00 Regular Meeting. You may alternatively share your thoughts by emailing the council members any time at our email addresses here, or by 4:00 PM the day of the meeting at The council meeting will be livestreamed on and on the City of Plano Facebook page.


Executive Session (starts at 5:00 PM)

(Review agenda here)
  • Receive report regarding ethics complaint filed against Planning and Zoning Commissioner Allan Samara, for an alleged violation of the city code of conduct for this post on Plano water rates on Smart Plano Future


Preliminary Open Meeting

(Whenever Executive Session, which starts at 5:00 PM, ends)

(Review agenda here)
  • Interim Members: Community Relations Commission and Parks and Recreation Planning Board
  • Discussion regarding InTown Homes Development Agreement to use up to $971,500 in TIRZ funds (Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone; this is where a portion of property tax revenue is set aside to make eligible public improvements to a specific area)


Regular Meeting (starts at 7:00 PM)

Notable Consent Agenda items are at the bottom of this post.

(Review agenda here)


Comments of Public Interest: every meeting, anyone can speak about anything for up to three minutes, with 30 total minutes allotted for this segment.


Items for Individual Consideration

  • Item (1): Resolution to add the former JC Penney store land to the area of the East Collin Creek Public Improvement District (PID). The store was originally excluded from the PID, but when JC Penney made the decision to shut down the store, the developer petitioned to add the land to the PID
  • Item (2): Resolution to establish a West Collin Creek Public Improvement District (PID)
  • Item (3): Resolution to support a 9% Housing Tax Credit (HTC) for the proposed Parmore Jupiter Road senior affordable housing multifamily development on the southwest side of Parker Road and Jupiter Road
  • Item (4): Resolution to support a 9% Housing Tax Credit (HTC) for the proposed Mariposa Apartment Homes at Plano Parkway affordable housing multifamily development on the northwest side of Plano Parkway and Dallas Parkway
  • Item (5): Resolution to support a 9% Housing Tax Credit (HTC) for the proposed Mariposa Apartment Homes at Communications Parkway affordable housing multifamily development on the northeast side of Spring Creek Parkway and Communications Parkway
  • Item (6): Ratification of a contract with the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs to receive an amount not to exceed $380,708.40 in Community Development Block Grant-Coronavirus funds under the Texas Emergency Rental Assistance Program. These funds will be used to provide rental assistance for households impacted by COVID with an income at or below 80% of the area median income
  • Item (7): Ratification of a contract with the U.S. Department of Treasury to receive an amount not to exceed $8,692,478.80 in Emergency Rental Assistance Program funds to be be used to provide rent and utility assistance for households impacted by COVID-19, with a household income at or below 80% of the area median income
  • Item (8): Ratification of the multi-city settlement agreement and a First Amendment to North Texas Municipal Water District Regional Water Supply Facilities Amendatory Contract. This is the settlement which will allow Plano to move toward paying only for the water we use
  • Item (9): Accept the resignation of Councilwoman Lily Bao since she is running for Plano Mayor, and calling the special election to fill her vacant seat for Place 7
  • Item (10): Resolution for the special Bond Election on May 1st, 2021. Council wound up placing $364 million worth of bonds on the ballot, across six ballot items. $231 million is just for streets. If all bonds are approved, we are currently estimating a tax increase of $67.71 for an average home in 2025. This is based on the current expected bond yields


Notable Consent Agenda Items

Total of $1,115,652 of your money in proposed expenses

  • Item (f): $325,600 for professional engineering services for Pleasant Valley Drive and Villa Downs Drive Paving and Water Line Improvements
  • Item (g): $576,593 for engineering professional services for Parker Road Estates Water Line Replacement – Phase 2
  • Item (h): To approve DART’s Resolution for the acquisition of land in Plano (including by eminent domain, if necessary) for the Silver Line Regional Rail Project


Review City Council agendas and minutes here.