Plano City Council Preview - Shelby Williams

Plano City Council Preview – November 11, 2024

  • 11-10-2024
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A blessed Veteran’s Day to all who’ve served! The big item for tomorrow night’s meeting is the proposed redevelopment of the JC Penney Campus, which includes  750 multifamily units.

You can sign up online to speak at council meetings in person or via Zoom online at this link up to 15 minutes before the scheduled meeting, which is typically at the 7:00 Regular Meeting. You may alternatively share your thoughts by emailing the council members any time at our email addresses here, or by 4:00 PM the day of the meeting at The council meeting will be live-streamed on and on the City of Plano Facebook page.


Executive Session (starts at 5:00 PM)

(Review agenda here)

  • Economic Development Consideration


Preliminary Open Meeting (after Executive Session ends)

(Review agenda here)

  • Discussion on Plano Event Center Hotel and Retail Development
  • 2025 Bond Referendum Process and Project List Presentation
  • Update Regarding Remaining Heritage Preservation Grant Funds


Regular Meeting (starts at 7:00 PM)

(Review agenda here) Notable Consent Agenda items are at the bottom of this post.

  • Proclamation:  November 11 is Veterans Day, a day to honor all who are serving and have served our country
  • Proclamation:  Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week is November 17 – 23, 2024

Comments of Public Interest: at the end of every meeting, anyone can speak for up to three minutes by Zoom, with 30 total minutes allotted for this segment.


Items for Individual Consideration

  • Item (1): $19,001,743 to acquire 5.132 at the Southeast corner of Legacy Drive and Headquarters Drive as a future park site. This expense is offset by a donation from Toyota Motor North America in Consent item (e).
  • Item (2): Request to rezone the JC Penney Campus, 107 acres on the southeast corner of Legacy Drive and Headquarters Drive, as a mixed-use development to allow 750 units of mid-rise residential apartments or independent living, as well as other non-residential uses. Much of the existing office space has already been renovated. This item passed the Planning & Zoning Commission by a vote of 5-3.
  • Item (3): To cast the City of Plano’s ballot for members of the Collin Central Appraisal District Board of Directors (each taxing entity receives a number of votes proportional to the amount of property tax collected, therefore the City of Plano has very few votes compared to Plano ISD and other school districts, which collect by far the most property tax)
  • Item (4): To cast the City of Plano’s ballot for members of the Collin Central Appraisal District Board of Directors (the City of Plano likewise has very little voting strength here since only a sliver  of Plano is in Denton County)


Notable Consent Agenda Items

Total of $-8,549,323 of your money in proposed expenses [this might seem confusing, but see item (e) where we’re accepting a $15 million donation, offset by the $19 million expense in item (1)]

  • Item (b): $4,794,250 for 240 Traffic Signal Controller Cabinets. This should help with the timing of our traffic signals. You’re welcome!
  • Item (c): $1,000,000 (with Dr. Evil pinkie) for library materials, including books, DVDs, and Blu-Rays
  • Item (e): accept a donation of $15 million from Toyota Motor North America toward the purchase of the park land in Item (1) above in Items for Individual Consideration


Review City Council agendas and minutes here.