You can sign up online to speak at council meetings in person or via Zoom online at this link up to 15 minutes before the scheduled meeting, which is typically at the 7:00 Regular Meeting. You may alternatively share your thoughts by emailing the council members any time at our email addresses here, or by 4:00 PM the day of the meeting at The council meeting will be livestreamed on and on the City of Plano Facebook page.
Executive Session (starts at 4:00 PM)
Discuss an Economic Development incentive
Preliminary Open Meeting
Follow-up Discussion on Campaign Finance Recusal Ordinance
Housing Tax Credit Process Update: this is in regard to taxpayer-subsidized “affordable housing”. Developers for various taxpayer-subsidized housing projects must apply to the city for a recommendation in order to apply for state tax subsidies.
Comprehensive Plan 2021 Overview and Summary: this is going to be a meaty discussion as this is the first time the new Comprehensive Plan has come before council. We’re all up to speed on it, of course, as this has been in the works for nearly two years, but this is super-duper significant. See the public hearing agenda item in Item (1) in Items for Individual Consideration in the Regular Meeting section below.
Departmental Report: Plano Fire-Rescue
Regular Meeting (starts at 7:00 PM)
Proclamation: November 11th is Veterans Day to honor all who served
Proclamation: Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week is November 13 – 21
Oaths of Office
Parks and Recreation Planning Board: Brian Chaput
Planning & Zoning Commission: Michael Bronsky, Richard Horne, Tosan Olley, Bennett Ratliff, Tianle Tong
Certificates of Appreciation for service on the Planning & Zoning Commission: Nathan Barbera, Robert Gibbons, Allan Samara, Gwen Walters
Comments of Public Interest: every meeting, anyone can speak about anything for up to three minutes, with 30 total minutes allotted for this segment.
Items for Individual Consideration
Item (1) NEW COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Public Hearing and consideration of an ordinance to adopt the new Comprehensive Plan. This has been in the works for nearly two years, even before the repeal of the Plano Tomorrow Plan, and was begun to address numerous citizen concerns which I’ve detailed previously here. Review the new Comprehensive Plan for yourself
Item (2): Rezone 22.4 acres of undeveloped land between Premier Drive and Alma Drive, north of Parker from Planned Development-446-Retail/General Office and Corridor Commercial to Planned Development-48-Single-Family Residence Attached for the development of 146 townhomes.
Item (3): Rescind the Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Country Club/Private Club at Turtle Creek Drive and Westbury Lane. This area had a tennis court and clubhouse that is no longer in use, and in June, council approved it to be redeveloped into patio homes. This being the case, staff has submitted this zoning request as a Country Club/Private Club would no longer be a suitable use with the new development.
Notable Consent Agenda Items
Item (b): $1,792,882 for six Braun Ford F-550 Ambulances to be used by Fire-Rescue as part of scheduled replacement
Item (c): $1,290,770 for 30 Chevy Tahoe Police Pursuit Vehicles to be used by the Plano Police Department (it looks like Plano Fire-Rescue and the Plano Police Department are serving as proxies for the Ford vs. Chevy war). That’s not bad at an average of $43,026 per vehicle, especially with skyrocketing inflation. Due to worsening supply chain issues, GM announced that all orders had to be placed by October 31st (this agenda item is to ratify the expenditure). 26 vehicles were already scheduled for replacement, and 4 additional vehicles were purchased to allow for unforeseen issues since we won’t be able to just run out and buy some more if need be due to the aforementioned supply chain issues.
Item (d): $312,079 for bridge repairs at Spring Creek Parkway and White Rock Creek, necessary to repair rapid erosion after a 12-inch water main failed, resulting in a pressurized flood
Item (e): Approval of the City of Plano’s Policy Statement for Tax Abatements (a discount or waiving of property taxes as an economic incentive for job creation to businesses improving or occupying real property)
Review City Council agendas and minutes here.