Executive Session (starts at 5:00 PM)
(Review agenda here)
- Economic Development opportunity
- Real Estate: Trails of Glenwood
- Real Estate: L Avenue
- Evaluation of Chief Municipal Judge
Preliminary Open Meeting
(Whenever Executive Session, which starts at 5:00 PM, ends)
(Review agenda here)
DART Update
Comprehensive Plan Review Committee Update (crucial after the repeal of the Plano Tomorrow Plan last week)
Noise Ordinance Update
Municipal Court Prosecutor Report
Consideration of 2021 City Council Meeting Dates
CARES Act Direct Funding
Regular Meeting (starts at 7:00 PM)
Notable Consent Agenda items are at the bottom of this post.
Item (c): $547,000 for Harrington Library Expansion and Renovation (funded in Community Investment Program)
Comments of Public Interest: every meeting, anyone can speak about anything for up to three minutes, with 30 total minutes allotted for this segment.
Items for Individual Consideration
Item (1): Beacon Square re-zoning request for 86.2 acres of undeveloped land to reduce planned retail and increase apartments
Item (2): Request to re-zone 4.2 acres of agricultural land on Robinson Road, south of Hedgcoxe, to Single-Family Residence 6
Item (3): Add a new Residential District category to support Envision Oak Point—“Residential Community Design” to the Zoning Ordinance, containing the following housing types: Single Family, Duplex, Duplex, Townhomes, Manor Homes (multi-unit buildings of 3-6 units per lot), Stacked Townhomes 1-3 stories in height, and Stacked Flats of 1-3 stories in height with up to 9 units per building
Item (4): Add a new zoning category to support Envision Oak Point, “Neighborhood Business Design” to allow Mixed-Use development comprised of the following categories: “Mixed-Use Activity Center” (70% residential, most of which is multifamily), “Village” (70% residential with slightly less multifamily), “Neighborhood Edge” (80% residential with Single-Family attached and detached), and “Transit Ready” (only 40% residential, of which 80% is Multifamily, 20% Single-Family attached)
Item (5): rezone 50.3 acres at the southwest corner of Spring Creek Parkway and Jupiter for the Plano Event Center development project
Item (6): Public Hearing on the FY 2020-21 recommended budget and the FY 2020-21 Community Investment Program (CIP)
Item (7): Discussion and Direction regarding proposed Ad Valorem (property) tax rate—we are proposing the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate again this year
Item (8): Discussion of proposed FY 2020-21 Community Investment Program (CIP)
Review City Council agendas and minutes here.