Plano City Council Preview

Plano City Council Preview – August 24, 2020

  • 08-23-2020
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First things first: Happy Birthday to my youngest little girl, Katherine! I love you, sweetheart!
Now, council chambers aren’t open to the public at tomorrow’s meeting, even for council. The meeting will be on Zoom and will be livestreamed on both and on the City of Plano Facebook page.
If you wish to speak (virtually) at Monday’s council meeting, you may register here by 5:00 PM Monday. Please register ONLY if you wish to speak. You may alternatively share your thoughts by emailing by 5:00 PM Monday.


Executive Session (starts at 5:00 PM)

(Review agenda here)

  • Economic Development Consideration
  • Evaluation of the City Attorney, who is appointed by council


Preliminary Open Meeting

(Whenever Executive Session, which starts at 5:00 PM, ends)

(Review agenda here)
  • Designation of Council Member Grady as the City’s applicant to the NLC Board of Directors, Finance Administration and Intergovernmental Relations Committee, and Military Communities Council
  • Discussion about CARES Small Business Grants
  • Campaign Finance Presentation


Regular Meeting (starts at 7:00 PM)

Notable Consent Agenda items are at the bottom of this post.

(Review agenda here).
Proclamations and Special Recognition

Comments of Public Interest: every meeting, anyone can speak about anything for up to three minutes, with 30 total minutes allotted for this segment.

Notable Consent Agenda Items

Total of $1,733,760 of your money in proposed expenses

  • Item (b): $312,706 for 2 Spray Trucks for Grounds Maintenance Services
  • Item (e): $244,820 increase to existing contract of $129,070, for a total contract amount of $373,890, for Indian Creek Tributary No. 13 Study and Shady Creek Circle Bank Stabilization, due to the identification during an upstream inspection of 5 additional sites along the tributary with severe erosion issues
  • Item (f): $400,000 for Sales Tax Audit Consulting Services to identify unrealized or misallocated sales tax revenues (the hope is that the effort will pay for itself; $400,000 is the anticipated fee due as a 30 percent contingency, which would represent a net yield of $1.3 million in additional sales tax revenue, which would be 1.5% of our estimated $85 million in sales tax revenue for FY2020-21)
  • Item (g): $248,234 for Irrigation Control Replacements for Parks and Recreation
  • Item (h): $373,000 for engineering professional services for Bridge Repairs Phase III
  • Item (i): Authorization to apply for $248,125 in federal funds under a Homeland Security Grant Program
  • Item (k): increase penalties for Class C Misdemeanors by repeat and habitual offenders for the same zoning violation


Items for Individual Consideration

  • Item (1): Grant a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Independent Living Facility, and revoke SUP for Day Care Center on the northwest side of Premier Dr. and Enterprise Dr., with a maximum of 97 units, and a maximum of 3 stories
  • Item (2): Amend the Planned Development Zoning at the southwest corner of Parker Road and Townbluff Drive to modify development standards to include a 3-foot high landscape berm adjacent to the residential area, and allow the additional permitted uses of a Personal Service Shop and a Studio for a Photographer, Musician, and/or Artist (starving or well-fed)
  • Item (3): Consideration to amend Article 11 (Overlay Districts) to create the “Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District” to preserve districts with an historical or unique character from incompatible development. Consideration for designation would be on the petition of property owners across either 60 percent of the land area of the district, or 60 percent of the lots or tracts


Review City Council agendas and minutes here.