You can sign up online to speak at council meetings in person or via Zoom online at this link up to 15 minutes before the scheduled meeting, which is typically at the 7:00 Regular Meeting. You may alternatively share your thoughts by emailing the council members any time at our email addresses here, or by 4:00 PM the day of the meeting at The council meeting will be live-streamed on and on the City of Plano Facebook page.
Executive Session (starts at 5:00 PM)
(Review agenda here)
- Legal Advice: DART
- Potential Litigation: Alex Stein vs. City of Plano
Preliminary Open Meeting (after Executive Session ends)
(Review agenda here)
- DART Presentation
- Silver Line Station Areas Plan
Regular Meeting (starts at 7:00 PM)
(Review agenda here) Notable Consent Agenda items are at the bottom of this post.
- Proclamation: International Holocaust Remembrance Day is January 27, 2025
- Presentation: A BEST Neighborhoods designation sign is being presented to the Avignon Windhaven neighborhood
Comments of Public Interest: at the end of every meeting, anyone can speak for up to three minutes by Zoom, with 30 total minutes allotted for this segment.
Items for Individual Consideration
- Item (1): Public Hearing and consideration of the Silver Line Station Areas Plan, a long-range planning policy for the 12th Street and Shiloh Road station areas
Notable Consent Agenda Items
Total of $4,720,203 of your money in proposed expenses
- Item (b): $1,063,640 to build an elevated trail undercrossing for Chisholm Trail at Spring Creek Parkway
- Item (c): $2,927,576 for approximately 1,100 linear feet of 42-inch Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) to replace the existing 33-inch sewer line to add sewer capacity and remove bottlenecks identified in the city’s wastewater master plan. This seems pricey, but do you want to be the one to tell the residents near the bottlenecks that we’re not doing it?
- Item (d): $383,987 to replace all the shelving at Schimelpfenig Library. I’m going to stop by and take a look at the shelving myself.
- Item (j): update sex offender residency requirements and restrictions to clarify the definitions of “child safety zone,” “residence,” and “premises”; clarify Offenses and Affirmative Defenses; and delete an affirmative defense allowing a registered sex offender to obtain a court order reducing or waiving the residency restriction
- Item (k): restrict the size and height of political/noncommercial signs. Basically no signs more than 4 square feet in size, and no signs higher than 42 inches from the street or grade level.
Review City Council agendas and minutes here.