The Plano City Council will be returning to Plano City Hall tonight, for our first in-person council meeting since March, 17.
Anyone who wants to participate by webinar may register at the following URL by 5:00 p.m. before the meeting:
The meeting will be live streamed on
Executive Session
A petition appealing North Texas Municipal Water District Rates
Economic Development Proposal for a business prospect to locate, stay, or expand in Plano (ooh, mysterious…)
Discuss Planning & Zoning Commission – Interim Member
Preliminary Open Meeting
Consideration of Appointment of Planning & Zoning Commission Interim Member
Additional appointments to the 2021 Bond Referendum Citizen Advisory Committee
Engineering Departmental Report – Compliance, CIP, Development
CARES: Small Business Grant Program Presentation
Regular Meeting
Proclamation: June 19th is Juneteenth Day in the City of Plano, commemorating the end of slavery in the United States
Notable Consent Agenda Items
Item (c): $4,206,319 for intersection Improvements – Park Boulevard at Coit Road, Custer Road, Alma Drive, K Avenue, and Jupiter Road; includes installation of right turn lanes and median improvements
Item (g): $1,760,054 increase to existing $7,377,784 contract for residential concrete pavement repair in the area between Coit and Independence, and Legacy and Spring Creek Parkway
Item (l): to ratify the allocation of $11,933,277 in Collin CARES Emergency Housing and Living Assistance Grant Funding
Items for Individual Consideration
Item (1): a Specific Use Permit for Outdoor Commercial Amusement for a rock climbing facility to a currently vacant property zoned Light Industrial-1
Item (2): ordinance change to have all Reasonable Accommodation Requests heard by the Board of Adjustment, rather than split between the Board of Adjustment and Building Standards Commission, depending on the nature of the request, as they are now
Item (3): sale of a city-owned parcel of land at the northwest corner of K Avenue and Park Blvd. to the Plano Housing Authority for $900,000, payable in installments of $45,000 per year over 20 years, for the purpose of building a multifamily workforce housing development adjacent to the DART Rail
Item (4): proposed extension to the additional authority granted to the City Manager under the state and national declaration of disaster related to the COVID-19 pandemic
Review City Council agendas and minutes here.