Plano City Council Preview - Shelby Williams

Plano City Council Preview – September 11, 2023

  • 09-10-2023
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#NeverForget. Today, in the morning, we remember 9/11, and in the evening we vote on the 2023-24 budget and tax rate, and consider the new Street Design Standards.

You can sign up online to speak at council meetings in person or via Zoom online at this link up to 15 minutes before the scheduled meeting, which is typically at the 7:00 Regular Meeting. You may alternatively share your thoughts by emailing the council members any time at our email addresses here, or by 4:00 PM the day of the meeting at The council meeting will be live-streamed on and on the City of Plano Facebook page.


Executive Session (starts at 5:00 PM)

(Review agenda here)

  • Legal Advice: Short-Term Rental Registration and Regulation
  • Ligation: Lovepreet Singh et al vs. City of Plano and Al Dawan Properties
  • Real Estate: Oak Point Area
  • Real Estate: Downtown Plano
  • Personnel: Discussion of all Council Appointees


Preliminary Open Meeting

(Whenever Executive Session, which starts at 5:00 PM, ends)

(Review agenda here)

  • Personnel – Reappointments: Plano Housing Authority
  • Noise Ordinance Update
  • Street Design Standards


Regular Meeting (starts at 7:00 PM)

Notable Consent Agenda items are at the bottom of this post.

(Review agenda here)

  • Proclamation: September is National Preparedness Month
  • Proclamation: September 21 – 24, 2023, is the H-E-B l Central Market Plano Balloon Festival
  • Presentation: Plano Citizens Academy is honoring the 2022-2023 graduates


Comments of Public Interest: at every meeting, anyone can speak about anything for up to three minutes, with 30 total minutes allotted for this segment.


Items for Individual Consideration

Don’t panic at seeing 15 Items for Individual Consideration. Items 1-5 are on the budget and tax rate, and 8-13 are on the Street Design StandardsStreet Design Standards.

  • Item (1): Public Hearing on the proposed tax rate of $0.4176 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24. See my recent article for my take on this.
  • Item (2): Vote to approve the Tax Rate for FY 2023-24
  • Item (3): Ratify the Property Tax Revenue in the budget
  • Item (4): Vote to approve the Operating Budget for FY 2023-24
  • Item (5): Vote to approve the Community Investment Program (CIP) for FY 2023-24
  • Item (6): Establish the classifications and Compensation Plan for Civil Service members of the Plano Fire Department for FY 2023-24
  • Item (7): Establish the classifications and Compensation Plan for Civil Service members of the Plano Fire Department for FY 2023-24
  • Item (8): Adopt new Street Design Standards (read more here, in addition to this Dallas Morning News article)
  • Item (9): Update the Thoroughfare Plan Map and Cross Sections of the Comprehensive Plan to align with the Street Design Standards
  • Item (10): Amend various articles of the city’s Zoning Ordinance to incorporate and align with the Street Design Standards
  • Item (11): Amend the following articles of the city’s Subdivision Ordinance to incorporate and align with the Street Design Standards
  • Item (12): Repeal obsolete transportation planning and design documents (assuming the new Street Design Standards pass)
  • Item (13): Amend or repeal references to the Thoroughfare Standards Rules and Regulations in the Code of Ordinances related to adopted of the Street Design Standards
  • Item (14): EDS Campus rezoning (applicant requested to table until the October 23rd meeting)
  • Item (15): Request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Day Care Center at a religious facility located at the northeast corner of Cross Bend Road and Branch Hollow Drive


Notable Consent Agenda Items

Total of $2,269,301 of your money in proposed expenses

  • Item (c): $898,323 for Plano Event Center Door and Access Control
  • Item (k): updated Fire Department Fee Schedule


Review City Council agendas and minutes here.